Somewhat weak storyline with few major laughs manages to be entertaining nevertheless thanks to extensive on location filming in Salem. Literally a breath of fresh air, it's fun to see the cast frolic in the outdoors among some classic Americana sites such as Fisherman's Wharf and the Glouscester House, making the plot seem almost secondary to what turns out to be a wonderfully filmed postcard.
In addition to the sights, this episode is also helped tremendously with the arrival of Serena -- here looking hipper than hip, more man-hungry than ever and downright stylin' in all her groovy glory (check out those shades!) Allowed to be let loose with no repercussions, our favorite Party Girl has reform school written all over her as she's seen not only getting toasted at the Glouscester House but acting like a cat in heat around her "nutty lookin' sailor" and even referring to one of her friends as being "stoned!" It's all in good fun, as are the clever and effective "zaps" with favorites including Serena materializing the roadster, bringing the fisherman to life and special mention for her whimsical disappearance by JUMPING!
GERALD WATCH: He's the bartender responsible for getting Mr. Whipple soused.
LOOK FOR: Some of the outdoor scenes were poorly re-dubbed with Sam sounding extremely nasal and a little too much like Serena at times.
©Review Copyright 1998 by SCOTT VIETS